We will be exploring the BeatAML, Depmap/Sanger, and MPNST Datasets based on a few different criteria. We will explore the following:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import coderdata as cd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
Load in the datasets and create a merged dataset.
beataml = cd.DatasetLoader("beataml")
depmap = cd.DatasetLoader("broad_sanger")
mpnst = cd.DatasetLoader("mpnst")
Processing Data... Loaded genes dataset. Processing Data... Loaded genes dataset. Processing Data... Loaded genes dataset.
joined_data = cd.join_datasets(depmap,beataml,mpnst)
Processing Data... Loaded genes dataset.
Get the data in the right format for this exploration such as changing types to floats so mapping work correcly.
joined_data.experiments = joined_data.experiments[joined_data.experiments.dose_response_metric != "dose_response_metric"]
joined_data.experiments['dose_response_metric'] = joined_data.experiments['dose_response_metric'].str.replace(' ', '_', regex=False)
joined_data.experiments.dose_response_value = joined_data.experiments.dose_response_value.astype(float)
joined_data.experiments.improve_sample_id = joined_data.experiments.improve_sample_id.astype(float).astype(int)
joined_data.samples.improve_sample_id = joined_data.samples.improve_sample_id.astype(float).astype(int)
joined_data.experiments.dose_response_value =joined_data.experiments.dose_response_value.astype(float)
joined_data.mutations['improve_sample_id'] = pd.to_numeric(joined_data.mutations['improve_sample_id'], errors='coerce').astype('Int64')
Examine the data we are working with.
source | improve_sample_id | improve_drug_id | study | time | time_unit | dose_response_metric | dose_response_value | |
0 | pharmacoGX | 1 | SMI_106 | CCLE | 72 | hours | fit_auc | 0.4910 |
1 | pharmacoGX | 1 | SMI_112 | CCLE | 72 | hours | fit_auc | 0.9446 |
2 | pharmacoGX | 1 | SMI_1182 | CCLE | 72 | hours | fit_auc | 0.8698 |
3 | pharmacoGX | 1 | SMI_154 | CCLE | 72 | hours | fit_auc | 0.7830 |
4 | pharmacoGX | 1 | SMI_169 | CCLE | 72 | hours | fit_auc | 0.5841 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
2635 | NF Data Portal | 5153 | SMI_329 | MT 210609 exp | 48 | hours | dss | 0.9976 |
2636 | NF Data Portal | 5153 | SMI_400 | MT 210609 exp | 48 | hours | dss | 0.9971 |
2637 | NF Data Portal | 5153 | SMI_469 | MT 210609 exp | 48 | hours | dss | 0.9982 |
2638 | NF Data Portal | 5153 | SMI_803 | MT 210609 exp | 48 | hours | dss | 0.9968 |
2639 | NF Data Portal | 5153 | SMI_880 | MT 210609 exp | 48 | hours | dss | 0.9967 |
42273090 rows × 8 columns
We are most interested in AUC and IC50, here we will subset to only include these values
dose_response_metric_of_interest = ["fit_auc","fit_ic50"]
joined_data.experiments = joined_data.experiments[joined_data.experiments['dose_response_metric'].isin(dose_response_metric_of_interest)]
By merging in cancer and model type, we can more easily explore our data and generate hypotheses.
merged_data = pd.merge(joined_data.experiments, joined_data.samples[['improve_sample_id', 'cancer_type', 'model_type']],
on='improve_sample_id', how='inner')
source | improve_sample_id | improve_drug_id | study | time | time_unit | dose_response_metric | dose_response_value | cancer_type | model_type | |
0 | pharmacoGX | 1 | SMI_106 | CCLE | 72 | hours | fit_auc | 0.491 | Pancreatic Carcinoma | cell line |
1 | pharmacoGX | 1 | SMI_106 | CCLE | 72 | hours | fit_auc | 0.491 | Pancreatic Carcinoma | cell line |
2 | pharmacoGX | 1 | SMI_106 | CCLE | 72 | hours | fit_auc | 0.491 | Pancreatic Carcinoma | cell line |
3 | pharmacoGX | 1 | SMI_106 | CCLE | 72 | hours | fit_auc | 0.491 | Pancreatic Carcinoma | cell line |
4 | pharmacoGX | 1 | SMI_106 | CCLE | 72 | hours | fit_auc | 0.491 | Pancreatic Carcinoma | cell line |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
306594693 | NF Data Portal | 5153 | SMI_329 | MT 210609 exp | 48 | hours | fit_ic50 | 8.921 | Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor | organoid |
306594694 | NF Data Portal | 5153 | SMI_400 | MT 210609 exp | 48 | hours | fit_ic50 | 8.986 | Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor | organoid |
306594695 | NF Data Portal | 5153 | SMI_469 | MT 210609 exp | 48 | hours | fit_ic50 | 10.320 | Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor | organoid |
306594696 | NF Data Portal | 5153 | SMI_803 | MT 210609 exp | 48 | hours | fit_ic50 | 10.320 | Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor | organoid |
306594697 | NF Data Portal | 5153 | SMI_880 | MT 210609 exp | 48 | hours | fit_ic50 | 12.000 | Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor | organoid |
306594698 rows × 10 columns
We will begin by exploring the most prevalent drug types in our data
# Count unique combinations of model_type and cancer_type for each drug
drug_diversity = merged_data.groupby('improve_drug_id').apply(lambda x: x[['model_type', 'cancer_type']].drop_duplicates().shape[0]).reset_index(name='unique_combinations')
top_drugs = drug_diversity.sort_values(by='unique_combinations', ascending=False).head(10)
These bar plots are generated in a similar style as PharmacoGX.
drug_id_to_name_map = joined_data.drugs.set_index('improve_drug_id')['chem_name'].to_dict()
top_drug_ids = top_drugs['improve_drug_id'].tolist()
metrics_of_interest = ['fit_auc', 'fit_ic50']
filtered_data = merged_data[(merged_data['improve_drug_id'].isin(top_drug_ids)) &
fit_auc_data = filtered_data[filtered_data['dose_response_metric'] == 'fit_auc']
fit_auc_data = fit_auc_data[fit_auc_data.cancer_type != "Unknown"]
fit_auc_data['chem_name'] = fit_auc_data['improve_drug_id'].map(drug_id_to_name_map)
# Define a list of colors to cycle through for the bars. Similar to how PharmacoGX display their data.
colors = ['skyblue', 'grey']
# Add tumor color / label for AML
custom_color_first_bar = 'orange'
custom_label_first_bar = 'Tumor'
unique_top_drugs = fit_auc_data['chem_name'].unique()
# Create a plot for each of the Top Drugs
for chem_name in unique_top_drugs:
# Filter data for the current drug
drug_data = fit_auc_data[fit_auc_data['chem_name'] == chem_name]
grouped_data = drug_data.groupby('cancer_type')['dose_response_value'].agg(['mean', 'std']).reset_index()
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
bars = []
for i, (index, row) in enumerate(grouped_data.iterrows()):
if i == 0:
# Custom color and label for the first bar
bar = plt.bar(index, row['mean'], yerr=row['std'], capsize=5, color=custom_color_first_bar)
# cycle through other two colors for the rest of the bars
color = colors[i % len(colors) - 1]
bar = plt.bar(index, row['mean'], yerr=row['std'], capsize=5, color=color)
plt.legend([bars[0]], [custom_label_first_bar], loc='best')
plt.title(f'Fit_AUC for {chem_name} across Cell Lines')
plt.xlabel('Cancer Type')
plt.ylabel('Mean Fit_AUC Value')
plt.xticks(np.arange(len(grouped_data)), grouped_data['cancer_type'], rotation=90, fontsize=10)
Here we use box plots to provide a better understanding of the distribution of AUC values.
unique_top_drugs = fit_auc_data['chem_name'].unique()
for chem_name in unique_top_drugs:
# Filter data for the current drug
drug_data = fit_auc_data[fit_auc_data['chem_name'] == chem_name]
# Create a box plot
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
# Using seaborn for an enhanced box plot appearance
sns.boxplot(x='cancer_type', y='dose_response_value', data=drug_data, palette='Set2')
plt.title(f'Fit_AUC Distribution for {chem_name} across Cancer Types')
plt.xlabel('Cancer Type')
plt.ylabel('Fit_AUC Value')
plt.xticks(rotation=90, fontsize=10) # Set the x-ticks to cancer type names
Coderdata has collated numerous sources for drug reponse data. This is important as some studies show different reponses than others.
def prepare_mapping(df):
mapping = {}
# Iterate over each row
for index, row in df.iterrows():
for col in df.columns:
if pd.notnull(row[col]):
mapping[row[col]] = row[0] # Map to the first non-null column value
break # Stop at the first non-null value
return mapping
# Load your mapping file
mapping_df = pd.read_csv('cellLineTypes.csv')
# Flatten the DataFrame to create a mapping, row by row
cancer_type_mapping = prepare_mapping(mapping_df)
# Apply the mapping to your data
fit_auc_data['mapped_cancer_type'] = fit_auc_data['cancer_type'].map(cancer_type_mapping).fillna(fit_auc_data['cancer_type'])
# Filter for the first X unique cancer types after mapping
unique_cancer_types = fit_auc_data['mapped_cancer_type'].unique()[:3]
# Adjust the filtering to use the 'mapped_cancer_type'
filtered_data = fit_auc_data[fit_auc_data['mapped_cancer_type'].isin(unique_cancer_types)]
# Plotting
unique_top_drugs = filtered_data['chem_name'].unique()
for chem_name in unique_top_drugs:
drug_data = filtered_data[filtered_data['chem_name'] == chem_name]
if not drug_data.empty:
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
sns.boxplot(x='mapped_cancer_type', y='dose_response_value', data=drug_data, hue='study', palette='Set3')
plt.title(f'Distribution of Fitted AUC for {chem_name} across Cancer Types')
plt.xlabel('Cancer Type')
plt.ylabel('Fit_AUC Value')
plt.xticks(rotation=45, ha="right", fontsize=10)
In theory, MEK Inhibitors should be strong candidates for supressing RAS-mutation derived cancers.
# Full MEK Inhibitor List
# ["Trametinib","Binimetinib","Selumetinib","Cobimetinib","Cotellic","Mekinist","Koselugo","Mektovi","Pimasertib","Mirdametinib","Refametinib","E6201","GDC-0623","CH5126766","HL-085","SHR7390","TQ-B3234","CS-3006","FCN-159"]
#Ensure chem names are in lowercase and that there are no duplicates
joined_data.drugs['chem_name'] = joined_data.drugs['chem_name'].str.lower()
#These entrez ids map to different RAS Mutations
entrez_id_to_ras_type = {
4893: 'NRAS',
3845: 'KRAS',
3265: 'HRAS'
joined_data.mutations['RAS_Type'] = joined_data.mutations['entrez_id'].map(entrez_id_to_ras_type)
# Prepare MEK inhibitor drug list
mek_inhibitor_list = ["trametinib", "binimetinib", "selumetinib", "cotellic", "mekinist", "koselugo", "mektovi", "pimasertib"]
mek_inhibitor_ids = joined_data.drugs[joined_data.drugs.chem_name.str.lower().isin([drug.lower() for drug in mek_inhibitor_list])]['improve_drug_id'].unique().tolist()
# # Create a concatenated string of RAS_Types for samples with multiple mutations
ras_type_concat = joined_data.mutations.groupby('improve_sample_id')['RAS_Type'].apply(lambda x: ','.join(x.dropna().unique())).to_dict()
# Filter experiments DataFrame for samples tested with MEK inhibitors
filtered_experiments = joined_data.experiments[
(joined_data.experiments['improve_drug_id'].isin(mek_inhibitor_ids)) &
(joined_data.experiments['dose_response_metric'] == 'fit_auc')
# Map concatenated RAS_Type strings to filtered_experiments
filtered_experiments['RAS_Type'] = filtered_experiments['improve_sample_id'].map(ras_type_concat)
filtered_experiments['RAS_Type'] = np.where(
(filtered_experiments['RAS_Type'].isna()) | (filtered_experiments['RAS_Type'] == ''),
'No RAS Mutation',
#Ensure that all drugs are mapping to a single drug (rather than its synonyms)
mek_inhibitor_list_normalized = [x.lower() for x in mek_inhibitor_list]
# Create a single chem_name column in joined_data.drugs for matching
joined_data.drugs['chem_name_pref'] = joined_data.drugs['chem_name'].str.lower()
# This mapping associates each improve_drug_id with a "preferred" chem_name from the list
preferred_chem_name_mapping = joined_data.drugs[joined_data.drugs['chem_name_pref'].isin(mek_inhibitor_list_normalized)].drop_duplicates('improve_drug_id').set_index('improve_drug_id')['chem_name'].to_dict()
filtered_experiments['preferred_chem_name'] = filtered_experiments['improve_drug_id'].map(preferred_chem_name_mapping)
This is only used to make the plots easier to view. This shouldn't be done beyond visualization.
filtered_experiments_cutoff = filtered_experiments[filtered_experiments['dose_response_value'] <= 1.5]
Below we can see different reponses based on MEK Inhibitor type and RAS Mutation combination
# Set the aesthetic style of the plots
plt.figure(figsize=(14, 8))
# Create the box plot
sns.boxplot(data=filtered_experiments_cutoff, x='preferred_chem_name', y='dose_response_value', hue='RAS_Type', palette="husl")
plt.xticks(rotation=45, ha='right', fontsize=16) # Adjust font size as needed
plt.xlabel('MEK Inhibitor', fontsize=14) # Larger font for axis labels
plt.ylabel('Fitted AUC', fontsize=14)
plt.title('Distribution of Dose Response Values for MEK Inhibitors by RAS Mutation Type', fontsize=16)
plt.legend(title='Mutation Group', title_fontsize='12', fontsize='10', bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc='upper left')